Criminal Laws to be aware of as an expat in Dubai

In this article, Expatriate Law reviews and summarizes important laws, criminal and otherwise, that expatriates should be aware of when living in Dubai or other parts of the UAE.

There are many misconceptions about the way of life in the UAE. However in a country which is culturally different to the environment in which many of us expats grew up in, it is important to be aware of the criminal laws and other laws that apply to us here. The UAE laws apply to all of us, wherever we are from. In this simple guide, I have included what I feel are the most important laws that we should be aware of, as breach of some can have serious repercussions.

Owing to the cultural differences between European countries and the Middle East, it important to be aware of actions that may be criminal in Dubai, but may not be an offence in your home country. By having an understanding of the laws that apply to you as an expat, you are protecting yourself and your family. In addition, you are ensuring that you and your family behave in a respectful way, to fit in to the local community and not cause offense to others.

We are often asked questions about the criminal laws in Dubai:

  1. My partner and I are not married, are we allowed to live together in Dubai?
  2. Am I allowed to drink alcohol in the UAE?
  3. What is the law on drink driving in the UAE?
  4. What behaviour is against the law in Dubai?
  5. Is adultery illegal in Dubai and what are the repercussions?

We have prepared a thorough guide to the laws in the UAE which all expats should be aware of. The full article can be found by clicking here.
