Data Protection Privacy Notice
In providing our legal services to you we will need to ask for personal information about you and your circumstances. We take protection of such personal data very seriously and aim to fully comply with UK data protection legislation and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
How we use your information
Such personal information is used only for the purposes of providing legal advice to you and for acting on your behalf, for administration and marketing purposes.
Sharing your information
In order to provide appropriate legal services to you we may have to share such personal information with other legal professionals such as barristers and expert witnesses and with other agencies such as the courts. In certain circumstances or if required by law, we may need to disclose your personal information to a third party not connected with provision of legal services, including HMRC and other government agencies.
Security of your information
We will keep your personal information secure on our software practice management system which has a secure audit trial with regular data back-ups. Your information cannot be accessed by anyone who does not work for us. All our staff understand their responsibility to maintain confidentiality.
Access to your information
We will keep your personal information for 10 years after the end of your case. You have a right to request us to provide a copy of the data that we hold. Any such request should be made by email to our data controller Mr Hallam-Peel at You can also request us to amend any data which is incorrect or transfer your data in electronic form to another lawyer.
Contact details
Question, comment or concern? Our contact form is the best way to get in touch with a member of our team.
Expatriate Law Ltd.
Expatriate Law Limited is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority No 623831
2 Eaton Gate, London SW1W 9BJ, United Kingdom
Tel: (+44) 20 3096 7169