Family dispute resolution weekn

Promoting amicable separation

This week is ‘Family dispute resolution week’ in the UK, where family lawyers work to promote the amicable resolution of family disputes.

Resolution, the former Solicitor’s Family Law Association in England, has produced a video highlighting the need for separating couples to put their children first. Click here to watch their video ‘putting children first’.

This week, Resolution will be hosting a Parliamentary reception, where they will be joined by MPs and stakeholders from partner organisations to launch their online advice guide and promote their Parenting Charter launched earlier this year.

Alternatives to court

Family lawyers across the United Kingdom will promote the benefits of couples divorcing and separating in an amicable way. Through mediation, family arbitration, and collaborative law practices, couples can resolve their disputes outside the courts system. This not only keeps legal costs at a minimum but also reduces hostilities going forward, allowing separating couples to maintain a positive relationship for the sake of their children.
