Child Support and Maintenance
Child Maintenance is the regular payment of funds from one parent to the other. For separating couples living in England, the Child Maintenance Service calculates the level of maintenance to be paid. The amount of maintenance depends on income of the paying party. The number of nights that the children stay with the paying party can affect the level of maintenance to be paid. Sometimes, a parent will earn more than a set level, and a maintenance claim can be made other than through the CMS. The CMS does not assist where one parent lives overseas.
How Much Maintenance is Payable?
Our lawyers will advise on the level of maintenance that you should pay or receive for your children.
You may be a wife who is concerned about how you will manage financially after divorce, especially if you have not been working or will lose your husband’s work related benefits.
You may be the mother of children and be worried about who should meet their school fees or day to day living expenses.
Alternatively you may be a husband who is concerned about your wife’s entitlement to maintenance, and what the law says about the level of maintenance for your children.
Our lawyers will advise you and ensure the law is applied specifically to your personal situation, so that you can achieve a settlement with your spouse that is long term and enforceable.
You may be interested to read our articles on the enforcement of child maintenance orders.