Sonny Patel is a speaker at Dubai Legal conference

On 24 November, Sonny Patel, lawyer at Expatriate Law, spoke to an audience of professional advisors at the 2nd Annual Optimal Successions conference in Dubai about the use of pre-nuptial agreements as a succession planning tool, and to protect assets during divorce.

Sonny discussed the following issues:


  • For expats of various nationalities divorce can take place in their ‘home jurisdiction despite their residence abroad
  • Forum shopping for the most favourable jurisdiction for a divorce
  • How prenuptial agreements can protect pre-acquired assets and inheritances by defining what should constitute a “matrimonial asset”
  • The requirements in various countries to ensure that a pre-nuptial agreement is upheld
  • How to protect the interests of the less wealthy party in a pre-nuptial agreement negotiation



For further information or advice on pre-nuptial agreements contact
