Mirror Orders in Children Proceedings: UK and Hong Kong compared

Published: 18 September 2023

Separated families facing international boundaries often encounter the challenge of ensuring a child’s contact with a parent residing in a different country. In our latest article, we delve into the world of “Mirror Orders” and how they safeguard these crucial overseas arrangements.

We compare the approach to mirror orders in England and Hong Kong, shedding light on the legal intricacies that ensure the welfare of the child is paramount.

Read more: Family Law Week – sign up to a free account to access the article.

Authors: Alexandra Tribe and Kelly Merris

Discover how these legal tools can provide confidence in overseas contact when trust between separated parents wanes.

Thank you to Kelly Merris, Registered Foreign Lawyer at Gall, on the Hong Kong perspective.

Greay background with an image of Hong Kong skyline and another of London's Westminster. Text reads: Mirror Orders in Children Proceedings: UK and Hong Kong compared

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