A very special thank you from my heart to Expatriate Law who have provided my family hope in what can only be described as a horrendous divorce.

They have shown such dedication, compassion, and vast amounts of expertise throughout which is a very rare combination of attributes to continually maintain whilst under the pressures of complex cases.

The amount of gratitude and respect I hold for Byron James and his team is immense, and I have no doubt this barrister will continue to receive the recognition he so deserves throughout his career as he prospers as a top-notch legal professional.

This barrister possesses a razor- sharp mind that will navigate your case through very complex areas of family law and in most cases achieve results.

I must also add that Marilou Mitra and Ashleigh Herbert are to be commended for their patience throughout, they really are wonderful paralegals.

And lastly, praise to the firms Legal Secretary Sally Pretorius for the warmth and encouragement she has given my family since day one.
